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HB&G recommends checking all local, state, and national building codes before the design and installation of your balustrade system. HB&G is not responsible or liable for any balustrade system that does not meet the requirements of the governing building code in the location where the system is installed. The space between the bottom rail and the floor should not be less than 2".
HB&G compliments the 6", 7" porch system
Price: From $261.09 to $301.33
3-1/2" wide in heights 32-1/2" & 38"
Price: From $218.77 to $274.50
3" wide in three heights 20", 28", 33-5/8"
Price: From $216.71 to $245.61
3-3/8" wide in three heights: 24", 26-1/2", 32-7/8"
Price: From $243.54 to $301.33
3-1/2" wide in three heights: 29", 31", 36"
Price: From $240.45 to $254.89
3" wide in two heights: 26-1/2", 32-7/8
Close Out Urethane: 4-3/4"Wide at Base x 9" Height.
57088 Size: 8" x 8" x 48"
Angled Newel Size: 8" x 8" x 48"
57089 Size: 8" x 8" x 48"
58003 Order with each newel
Use this to complete newel in 6", 7" HBG porch system
Use this to complete Five Sided newel in 6", 7" HBG porch system
Use this to complete newel from HB&G 6", 7" porch system.
Price: From $649.12 to $805.98
6" wide Rail
Use this for railing if using a five sided newel (57084)
6" Balustrade System Drawings
Click Here to download installation instructions Click Here to download detail sheet of 6" system HBG Warranty
HB&G recommends checking all local, state and national building codes during the design and installation of your balustrade system.
HB&G is not responsible or liable for any balustrade system that does not meet the requirements of the governing building code in the location where the system is installed.
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